Wind and Metal

Wind and Metal explores the awesome ways metal responds sonically under the influence of wind. Large objects like wind turbines, windmills, a geodesic dome, an overhead power line transmission tower, a fire tower, flag poles and a giant crucifix, were recorded under varying wind speeds from airy breezes to howling gusts. Each structure produces resonant tones unique to its design, location and weather affecting it. There’s the sound of wire fences too.… Read More

The Amish

Step back into a simpler time when farm living was a non-mechanized affair. No GPS-guided, 17-foot wide combines with air-conditioned cabs. No crops that are doused from the air with pesticides. To where cow’s milk is hand-squeezed into metal buckets before the break of dawn. Where horse and human work side by side. Evocative Sound and Visuals is pleased to announce its latest sound effects library entitled, The Amish. A rare collection of high-quality recordings featuring life among the Amish community of northeast Ohio. … Read More