Trains in the Valley

Trains in the Valley is a 55:19 nature recording album featuring the sound of both steam and diesel-electric locomotives traveling through Cuyahoga Valley National Park.… Read More

Soak, The Soothing Sound of Idaho Hot Springs

Put on your swim trunks or bathing suit, turn your thermostat up to 100 F (38 C) and listen to my latest blog post on making Soak, The Soothing Sound of Idaho Hot Springs, featuring the soundscape of Pine Flats Hot Springs along the South Fork of the Payette River in south-central Idaho. Recorded in April 2021, the 55:42 album transports you down a 100-foot jagged algae-covered cliff to the source of the springs, where hydrothermal water comes from the underworld at 138 F (59 C), onto a relaxing and comfortable waterfall-fed soaking pool, then finally to Class II rapids along the blue-green river.… Read More

Sights and Sounds of the Beaver Marsh

Look at and listen to sounds of the Beaver Marsh at Cuyahoga Valley National Park in northeast Ohio. For a different kind of recording, I used a pair of high-end contact microphones clipped to the boardwalk that spans the 70-acre marsh. You hear the 70-acre wetland from the wood’s perspective.… Read More

Say Hello to Binaural Bill

Say hello to Binaural Bill. A couple of months ago, I decided to do something about the two big limitations of using my Luhd PM-01 AB microphones. These small, low-noise, high-sensitivity handmade electret microphones run on plug-in power (PIP). I … Read More

Mohican Through the Seasons
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Mohican Through the Seasons is a four-part album series highlighting the natural soundscape of Mohican State Park in north-central Ohio and its vast surrounding forest during winter, spring, summer and fall.… Read More

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