Images of the historic Ohio State Reformatory (OSR), built in the Romanesque style of architecture in stages between 1886 and 1910 in Mansfield, Ohio. The prison closed in 1990, the result of a federal court order. Its inmates filed a class action lawsuit citing overcrowding and inhumane conditions.

I first visited the prison in September 1994, armed with a Nikon F3 film camera loaded with Fuji Velvia slide film. I had the damp, cavernous place all to myself. It was quite eerie, and sad. The year before, crew and cast from The Shawshank Redemption occupied the main building. I recall tripping over props left in hallways and looking at wallet-sized images of past inmates scattered on the floor. Perhaps those were movie props too. I was an extra in the film, a ‘pedestrian.’ Nothing major, but still a cool experience.

Also at that time, I was handed a stack of glass plate negatives by someone who, if memory serves, worked at the Ohio State Reformatory as a guard years prior. He offered to sell them to me for $100, which was way too much money for me back then. Still, he allowed me copy them. They are presented below.

In February 2017, I returned to the prison, this time to record the sound of the main building, including its cell block doors. Have a look and listen here.