Sage Grouse Serenade

Join me as I spend a cold April night under a full moon in the wide-open sagebrush steppe of southwestern Idaho. Listen to the bizarre sounds of male Greater sage grouse performing their annual courtship displays on ancestral mating grounds … Read More

Wind Chimes

Tinkling. Plinking. Clinking. Clanging. Rattling. Ah, the beautiful sounds of wind chimes blowing in a gentle breeze. Here are 16 of them, in all shapes and sizes. Some are old. Some are new. Some are borrowed. Sorry, none are blue. Each one is meticulously recorded and layered in a unique way that will have you thinking they are all hanging from your back porch, and you are in the middle of it all.… Read More

Say Hello to Binaural Bill

Say hello to Binaural Bill. A couple of months ago, I decided to do something about the two big limitations of using my Luhd PM-01 AB microphones. These small, low-noise, high-sensitivity handmade electret microphones run on plug-in power (PIP). I … Read More

Mohican Through the Seasons
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Mohican Through the Seasons is a four-part album series highlighting the natural soundscape of Mohican State Park in north-central Ohio and its vast surrounding forest during winter, spring, summer and fall.… Read More

Drum Roll, Please

Drum. Drum. Drum. For several mornings earlier this month, that sound is all I heard. A Downy woodpecker was using a cottonwood tree I walk past on my route to see the morning newspaper as its sounding board. The woodpecker … Read More

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