
Hello, I’m Rick Hannon, an audio field recordist and photographer living in northeast Ohio. At Evocative Sound and Visuals, I search out and record high-quality soundscapes and sound effects near and far. I invite you to look at and listen … Read More

Evocative Sound is Happening
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Thank you for reading my introductory blog post for my new website and business Evocative Sound & Visuals. I’m so glad you’re here! Let me begin by shouting out the launch of my latest multimedia story and first-ever album entitled … Read More

Beneath the Crooked River

To uniquely commemorate the 50th anniversary of the June 22, 1969 Cuyahoga River fire, I traveled the length of the river – from headwaters to Lake Erie – recording its underwater soundscape during a nine-month period in 2017 and 2018. Dipping hydrophones (underwater microphones) into the water opened up an otherwise unheard sonic world. Now I was able to listen to the subtle sounds of barely audible aquatic life, to the natural sounds of flowing water where a dam stood for years before, to rhythmic sounds of kayak paddles cutting into the water, and finally, to the penetrating noise of tug boats and lake tankers motoring through the Flats. What I discovered is that this once polluted environmental disaster is back from the dead.

I hope you enjoy the journey.

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