Mohican Through the Seasons
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Mohican Through the Seasons is a four-part album series highlighting the natural soundscape of Mohican State Park in north-central Ohio and its vast surrounding forest during winter, spring, summer and fall.… Read More

Drum Roll, Please

Drum. Drum. Drum. For several mornings earlier this month, that sound is all I heard. A Downy woodpecker was using a cottonwood tree I walk past on my route to see the morning newspaper as its sounding board. The woodpecker … Read More

Give Me Steam

There is an adage of late in the photography world; the best camera is the one you have with you. I’m not exactly sure where this pithy saying came from. It’s not something I recall quoted from the mouths of … Read More

Dusk to Dawn on the Camas Prairie
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A sea of blue-violet wildflowers stretches toward snow-capped mountains to the north. It is late May, and the camas are at the peak of their bloom. The western horizon bursts into flames as the sun peeks out from behind cottony clouds. Birdsong begins to ring out across the marshland. Sights and sounds build in layers. Mother nature has arranged a perfect feast for the senses this fine evening. And I am in the center of it all, past my ankles in thick dark water, here on the Idaho prairie, recording the wonderful soundscape.… Read More

The Secret Sound of Snags

Field recordings of the sound of snags, downed trees, captured with special contact microphones that allow you, the listener, to hear the tree from the inside out. … Read More

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